How to use dropbox to send videos
How to use dropbox to send videos

how to use dropbox to send videos

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how to use dropbox to send videos

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  • If you want to transfer all photos in the current album or only the new photos in the current album there is not even the need to select the photos. Sending photos and videos to Dropbox is easy: Just select the photos that you want to transfer by tapping the thumbnails. In the View Settings action your can define the sort order for your files when you browse the files on Dropbox. By default PhotoSync always overwrites files with the same name on Dropbox.

    how to use dropbox to send videos

    If the files are identical it will skip the transfer if files are identical. When you set the Allow overwrite switch to off PhotoSync checks for every transfer if a file with the same name and size already exists on the Dropbox server and it will rename the transfer if the file on the Dropbox server is a different file. You can enable the Delete After Transfer setting to delete your photos on your device after a successful transfer to save storage space on your device. In the Transfer Settings section you can define individual file names for your transferred photos and you can set various transfer options for your Wi-Fi and cellular data connections like that quality of your transferred photos, allow video transfers and much more. If you wish to select your destination folder with each transfer please enable the Select Before Transfer setting. By default PhotoSync creates additional subdirectories with the name of the device and the name of the selected album. The setting Create Sub-Directories allows to create individual subdirectories for each transferred photo. Select destination folder, step 1 Select destination folder, step 2 Dropbox settings with destination folder selection

    How to use dropbox to send videos